Links to my arXiv and Google Scholar pages.
In preparation
T. Schrøder, J. Dyre, and C. Scalliet
Inherent dynamics of highly viscous liquids
20 - D. Lang, C. Scalliet, C. P. Royall
Anti-correlation between excitations and locally-favored structures in glass-forming systems
arXiv:2408.12738 (2024)
19 - F. L. Thiemann, C. Scalliet, E. A. Müller, A. Michaelides
Defects induce phase transition from dynamic to static rippling in graphene
PNAS (in press). Preprint.
Published articles
18 - S. Ciarella, D. Khomenko, L. Berthier, F. C. Mocanu, D. R. Reichman, C. Scalliet, F. Zamponi
Finding two-level systems in glasses through machine learning
Nat. Comm. 14, 4229 (2023)
17 - C. Herrero, C. Scalliet, M. D. Ediger, L. Berthier
Two-step devitrification of ultrastable glasses
PNAS 120 (16) e2220824120 (2023).
16 - F. C. Mocanu, L. Berthier, S. Ciarella, D. Khomenko, D. R. Reichman, C. Scalliet, F. Zamponi
Microscopic observation of two-level systems in a metallic glass model
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 014501 (2023)
15 - C. Scalliet
Water Untangled
Nature Physics 18, p. 1147–1148 (2022)
14 - C. Scalliet, B. Guiselin, and L. Berthier
Thirty milliseconds in the life of a supercooled liquid
Phys. Rev. X 12, 041028 (2022)
13 - E. De Giuli and C. Scalliet
Dynamical mean-field theory: from ecosystems to reaction networks
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 474002 (2022)
12 - B. Guiselin*, C. Scalliet*, and L. Berthier
Microscopic origin of excess wings in relaxation spectra of supercooled liquids
Nature Physics 18, p. 468-472 (2022)
On the cover, see the News & Views A wing explained by R. Zorn
11 - C. Scalliet, B. Guiselin, and L. Berthier
Excess wings and asymmetric relaxation spectra in a facilitated trap model
J. Chem. Phys. 155, 064505 (2021)
10 - D. Khomenko*, C. Scalliet*, L. Berthier, D. R. Reichman, and F. Zamponi
Depletion of two-level systems in ultrastable computer-generated glasses
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 225901 (2020) - Editor's Suggestion
Featured in Physics, Quanta Magazine, Science&Vie.
9 - C. Scalliet, L. Berthier, and F. Zamponi
Nature of excitations and defects in structural glasses
Nat. Comm. 10, 5102 (2019)
8 - M. Ozawa, C. Scalliet, A. Ninarello, and L. Berthier
Does the Adam-Gibbs relation hold in simulated supercooled liquids?
J. Chem. Phys. 151, 084504 (2019)
7 - L. Berthier, M. Ozawa, and C. Scalliet
Perspective: Configurational entropy of glass-forming liquids
J. Chem. Phys. 150, 160902 (2019)
6 - C. Scalliet and L. Berthier
Rejuvenation and memory effects in a structural glass
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 255502 (2019) - Editors' Suggestion
5 - L. Berthier, E. Flenner, C. J. Fullerton, C. Scalliet, and M. Singh
Efficient swap algorithms for molecular dynamics simulations of equilibrium supercooled liquids
J. Stat. Mech. 064004 (2019)
4 - C. Scalliet, L. Berthier, and F. Zamponi
Marginally stable phases in mean-field structural glasses
Phys. Rev. E 99, 012107 (2019)
3 - C. Scalliet, L. Berthier, and F. Zamponi
Absence of marginal stability in a structural glass
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 205501 (2017)
2 - C. Scalliet, A. Gnoli, A. Puglisi, A. Vulpiani
Cages and anomalous diffusion in vibrated dense granular media
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 198001 (2015)
1 - P. Oswald and C. Scalliet
Measurements of the dielectric and viscoelastic constants in mixtures of 4,4'-n-octyl-cyanobiphenyl and biphenyl
Phys. Rev. E 89, 032504 (2014)
C. Scalliet and L. Berthier
A la recherche du verre idéal
Pour la Science, Avril 2022.
PhD manuscript
C. Scalliet
Amorphous solids from the glass transition to 1 Kelvin
PhD Thesis, Universite de Montpellier (2019)